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  5. 04 – Header

04 – Header

Background color top bar
Select the background color of the top bar that contains the 1st USP, Register, Log in, languages, currencies and the telephone number.

Text color top bar
Choose the color for the text in the top bar.

Display the phone number in the header.

Upload your logo in the header. The maximum height of this is 60 pixels. The width will be variable.

Scrolling logo
Upload your logo in the header for scrolling. The maximum height of this is 60 pixels. The width will be variable.

For a clear example you can view the Standard preset for this: http://theme-satisfy.webshopapp.com. Before scrolling you see a white logo, after scrolling it is replaced by the black variant. (Only required if: “Navigation processed in headlines” is checked)

Logo height
Don’t include “px” in the string. e.g. 50.

Upload your Favicon here. The minimum dimensions of this are 32 x 32 pixels. This is shown at the top of the tab shown on your browser, but also if someone adds it to their favorites (this also applies to mobile).

Brands navigation
Choose to display the brands button in the navigation bar.

Blog navigation
Choose to display the blog button in the navigation bar.

Navigation layout
Choose the type of navigation, you can choose from the Default navigation or the Compact navigation.

Paste “?getid=true” behind the URL of your shop to get the ID’s. The Mega navigation shows a clear dropdown with all underlying categories with a category image

Mobile navigation
Change the position of the mobile navigation buttons

Header color
Choose the background color of the header. The bar that contains the logo and navigation.

Navigation text color
Choose the color of the navigation text.

Navigation text color while scrolling
Select the text color for scrolling here.

For a clear example you can view the Standard preset for this: http://theme-satisfy.webshopapp. com. You will see white navigation text before scrolling, this will change after scrolling. (Only required if: “Navigation processed in headlines” is checked)

Here you can choose to show the navigation in the Headlines. For a clear example you can view the Standard preset for this: http://theme-satisfy.webshopapp.com.
TIP: This function looks best if the Full-width Headlines function is also on.

Shadow behind the navigation
Choose more depth under the navigation or use this option if you use light-colored headlines / sliders.

Activate hallmark in the header
This will display a hallmark / image next to the shopping cart

Hallmark / image header
Upload here your hallmark or image

Hallmark header URL
Fill in the URL for its destination

Enter your text here for the USPs. You can choose from different icons. Is your icon not listed? Send a request to satisfy@frontlabel.nl and we will put it in here!

Examples of the icons you can use:

– Asterisk
– Calendar
– Certificate
– Check
– Chevron right
– Comments
– Gift
– Globe
– Heart
– Lock
– Phone
– Play circle
– Refresh
– Repeat
– Road
– Send
– Shopping cart
– Star
– Star O
– Time
– Truck

USP Color
Select a color for the icons of the USP’s

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